Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm finally free

It was a struggle for me for the past 3 weeks. All I want to do is to fully utilize my time while waiting for enlistment. Never did I realize walking into MOE was a wrong step or rather getting attached to the assist. executive was a wrong choice.

How would you feel if you are scolded for almost every single day? How would you react if whatever you do, does not satisfy your boss and she just keeps on scolding you. I had finally reached my limit, it has to be stopped.

Called my executive to settle everything once and for all. Here's the dialogue:

Teck: Hey Shin, sorry about just now but I gotta leave earlier. Just want to tell you that I want to quit this job.

Shin: Why? (Stern)

Teck: The pressure coming from **** was overwhelming and I cant take it anymore. I'm being scolded everyday for everythings I do irregardless whether it is something right or wrong. Taking one example was that she said she will finish arranging the folder when she comes back on saturday. However when I came to work this morning, she left the folders on my desk. I remembered her telling me about double checking before dispatching the folders and so I did. I spotted the mistakes and again, I was scolded for not identifying it earlier. Didnt you just finished doing it on saturday when no one was around in the office? Being scolded by her has already become a phobia for me. I wanted to work as an HR admin as it was my interest and I'm waiting for enlistment so I thought I should find something I really like. However the outcome was this.

Shin: You'll face this type of problems very often when you enter the workforce and you should have brought up this matter earlier and not when you're about to leave. She did mention you in front of me before but I dont think she dislikes you as the previous TC worked for 3 days and **** asked him to leave. Ok never mind, take it as a learning experience and you take a rest from now and forget about all this unpleasant stuffs, I will inform her tmr.

I was really touched by his words. I was perservering this few weeks and I was afraid by voicing out my problems, things might get awkward so I kept it inside myself. Parents weren't around in singapore and I had no one to talk to. I'm glad I'm finally free :)

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